Checking Validity of Roofing Contractor License

Roofing Service - Bobby Watson - January 3, 2024
Checking Validity of Roofing Contractor License

A roofing contractor’s license is a non-negotiable credential that ensures the professional you hire is qualified and legally authorized to perform roofing work. When it comes to maintaining the integrity of your home or business, the roof plays a pivotal role in protection and energy efficiency. As such, entrusting its care and repair to a licensed professional is not just a matter of quality workmanship but also of safety and legal compliance

Why Verifying a Roofing Contractor’s License is Essential

Checking a roofing contractor’s license is crucial for ensuring project safety and compliance. A valid license confirms adherence to industry standards, including trade knowledge, financial responsibility, and ongoing education. 

Licensed contractors are updated with building codes, carry necessary insurance for liability protection, and offer legal safeguards. This verification is essential for dispute resolution, maintaining insurance policies, and upholding roof warranties. Ultimately, it’s a vital step for securing your investment and ensuring the competence and recognition of the professional you hire.

How to Check a Roofing Contractor’s License

To confirm the validity of a roofing contractor’s license, a systematic approach is recommended:

Identify the Appropriate Licensing Authority

To verify a roofing contractor’s license, first identify the relevant authority. This varies by location, often managed at the state level by departments like the Department of Professional Regulation. 

In areas without state-level oversight, local city or county governments handle licensing. Use your state’s official website or contact local government offices for guidance. Professional associations like the National Roofing Contractors Association can also offer insights into regional licensing bodies.

Obtain the Contractor’s Licensing Details

When discussing your roofing project with contractors, request their licensing information, including license number and registered name. Professional contractors typically provide these details willingly, understanding the need for transparency in their qualifications.

Utilize Online Verification Tools

Many regulatory bodies offer online tools for license verification. With the contractor’s license number, these resources can confirm the license’s validity, the contractor’s identity, and their authorized scope of work.

Review the Contractor’s License History

Investigate the contractor’s licensing history to gauge their professional consistency. Regular renewals and no lapses in licensure indicate a commitment to professional standards and industry compliance. 

Following these steps ensures you select a legally qualified, industry-compliant roofing contractor, providing legal and financial security for your project.

Obtain the Contractor’s Licensing Details

To ensure the legitimacy of a roofing contractor’s license, it’s imperative to secure certain key details from them. This includes their license number—a unique identifier—and the name under which the license is officially registered, which could be either the individual’s name or their business name. These critical pieces of information enable a precise and effective search within any licensing database, ensuring that the verification is conducted on the correct individual or entity.

Here are the steps to gather these details:

  • Request the contractor’s license number and the name associated with it. Contractors are legally obligated to furnish this information upon request.

  • Cross-reference the provided details with those on the contractor’s business card or any formal documents they’ve presented, such as a quote or a contract proposal.

  • If you’ve previously underscored the importance of a valid license in your dealings, as suggested earlier, most contractors will proactively offer this information at the outset of your interaction.

  • Be wary if the contractor shows reluctance or fails to provide these details; such behavior is often a warning sign. Trustworthy contractors recognize that openness is key to establishing a solid relationship with their clients.

Armed with the correct licensing information, you are now well-prepared to navigate the verification resources offered by the identified licensing authority, as outlined in our previous discussions.

Utilize Online Verification Tools

To verify a contractor’s license, visit the licensing authority’s website and use their license verification tool. Input the contractor’s license number and business name accurately to access details like license status, category, expiration, and any special qualifications. 

These tools also provide historical data on disciplinary actions and bond status. If needed, certified documents confirming the license’s validity can often be downloaded. For any difficulties, contact the authority’s customer support for assistance.

Review the Contractor’s License History

Investigating a contractor’s license history is crucial. Assess the license’s issuance date to understand their industry experience. Consistent renewals without gaps indicate a commitment to standards and stability. Note any changes in license classification or level, as these can signify professional growth. 

Pay attention to any disciplinary actions or suspensions, as these could indicate problematic practices. How the contractor addressed past issues can also inform your decision, reflecting their dedication to quality and professionalism.

Interpreting the Roofing License Information

Understanding a roofing contractor’s license involves checking the following:

  • License Type: Ensure it covers your specific roofing needs.

  • Validity: Confirm the license is active and up-to-date.

  • Standing: Check for a clean record free from disciplinary actions.

  • Restrictions or Limitations: Be aware of any job limitations.

  • Jurisdiction: The license should be valid in your project’s area.

This analysis ensures legal compliance and the contractor’s suitability for your project.

Types of Roofing Licenses and Their Meanings

Different roofing licenses indicate a contractor’s expertise:

  • Residential Roofing License: For housing projects.

  • Commercial Roofing License: For commercial building roofing.

  • Unlimited Roofing License: Qualifies for all types and scales of roofing.

  • Limited License: Restricts project size or value.

  • Specialty Licenses: For specific materials or methods.

  • General Contractor License with Roofing Endorsement: General contractors certified for roofing.

Match the license type with your project’s requirements for optimal results.

Recognizing Active vs. Inactive Licenses

An active license means the contractor is compliant with all requirements and legally authorized to work. An inactive license indicates lapses in meeting standards, such as insurance or education. Always verify the license is active using online tools or by contacting the licensing authority. This step is crucial for legal compliance and quality assurance in roofing projects.

Common Red Flags During License Verification

Vigilance in Verifying Roofing Contractor’s License

Be alert for these warning signs when checking a contractor’s license:

  • Expired License: Indicates potential illegal operation.

  • Disciplinary Actions: Suggests professional misconduct or non-compliance.

  • Frequent Changes in License Details: Could signal evasion of past issues.

  • Inconsistent Information: Raises questions about honesty.

  • Lack of Specialty Endorsements: May show insufficient qualifications for specific tasks.

  • Suspensions or Revocations: Indicates serious legal or professional breaches.

These indicators necessitate further investigation and possibly contacting the licensing body.

Inconsistencies in License Information

Discrepancies in a contractor’s licensing details should prompt caution:

  • Mismatched Details: Ensure consistency in name, address, and license number.

  • Contradictory Expiry Dates: Check for uniform expiration dates.

  • Varying License Classes: Confirm the license category matches across all references.

  • Conflicting Status Indicators: Verify the license status (active, inactive, suspended) is consistent.

Address any irregularities directly with the contractor or consider other professionals.

Patterns of Complaints or Disciplinary Actions

A contractor’s history of complaints or disciplinary actions can reveal their reliability:

  • Frequent Complaints: Indicates possible ongoing issues.

  • Multiple Disciplinary Actions: Suggests disregard for industry standards.

  • Severity and Nature of Incidents: Evaluate the seriousness of violations.

  • Resolution and Responsiveness: Look at how past issues were addressed.

  • Time Frame: Consider the timing and duration of complaints.

Review these aspects in the contractor’s record to assess their professionalism and integrity. This thorough vetting is key to hiring a committed and ethical roofing contractor.

Additional Factors to Evaluate When Hiring a Roofing Contractor

Selecting a Roofing Contractor: Key Considerations

Beyond license verification, consider these factors for a well-rounded contractor evaluation:

Insurance and Bonding Status

  • General Liability Insurance: Confirms coverage for property damage or injuries.

  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Protects against liability for employee injuries. Bonding: Offers financial recourse for contract breaches or substandard work.

Verify these credentials by requesting certificates and confirming their validity with insurers.

Reputation and Workmanship

  • Customer Feedback: Check reviews and BBB ratings for consistent client satisfaction.

  • Project Portfolio: Review past projects for quality and expertise.

  • Warranty on Workmanship: Understand the scope and duration of workmanship warranties.

  • Industry Recognition: Look for awards or certifications indicating professional excellence.

  • References: Contact past clients for firsthand accounts of the contractor’s work.

  • Follow-Up Services: Assess if the contractor offers maintenance or support post-project.

Experience and Local Knowledge

  • Experience: Evaluate the contractor’s history with similar roofing systems.

  • Local Knowledge: Ensure familiarity with local building codes and weather conditions.

  • Warranty Offers: Clarify workmanship and material warranties, understanding what’s covered.

  • Portfolio of Work: Examine completed projects to assess capability and consistency.

  • Communication: Prioritize clear, prompt communication about project details and timelines.

By thoroughly assessing these areas, you’ll gain insight into the contractor’s professionalism and ability to meet your roofing project’s needs.


To sum up, it is critical to carefully check a roofing contractor’s license in order to guarantee quality work, legal compliance, and professional integrity. This crucial procedure gives you peace of mind regarding your roofing project, protects your investment, and ensures adherence to industry standards. In order to ensure the success and safety of your roofing project, you should always give priority to this phase in order to find a reputable, qualified contractor.

Learn more about accessing roof replacement services from our resources at Roof Nation today.