Government Incentives for Incorporating Energy Efficient Roofing

Roofing Service - Bobby Watson - January 11, 2024

This guide explores government incentives for energy-efficient roofing aimed at contractors, architects, and property owners. It details how to qualify for and claim these benefits, offering clarity and actionable insights. 

Covering federal tax credits to state-specific programs, the article helps readers understand how to offset installation costs, contribute to a greener future, and enjoy savings on energy bills and taxes, aligning with both sustainability goals and financial interests.

Federal Tax Credits for Energy-Efficient Roofing

The U.S. government offers tax incentives for adopting energy-efficient roofing, particularly for Energy Star-certified materials. Homeowners can claim these credits using IRS Form 5695, covering material costs, while businesses follow different procedures. 

Keeping the Manufacturer’s Certification Statement is crucial for eligibility. These incentives, updated periodically, encourage energy savings and align with broader environmental goals. Note that solar roofing systems qualify for separate renewable energy incentives. Understanding these options and the roof’s role in overall building energy efficiency can lead to substantial savings and environmental benefits.

Energy Star Certification Requirements

To earn Energy Star certification, roofing products must meet EPA’s strict energy efficiency guidelines, focusing on solar reflectance and thermal emittance. High solar reflectance reduces heat absorption, while high thermal emittance releases absorbed heat, lowering cooling costs. 

The Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) measures a roof’s ability to reject solar heat, with specific SRI thresholds for different roof slopes and climates. Energy Star-certified roofs must maintain their energy-saving performance over time, ensuring durability and long-term benefits. When purchasing, verify the product’s Energy Star label and obtain the Manufacturer’s Certification Statement.

Claiming the Energy Efficiency Tax Credit

Claiming the federal tax credit for Energy Star-certified roofing involves completing IRS Form 5695, detailing energy-efficient upgrades. The credit typically covers a portion of the total cost, including materials and labor, subject to limits. It applies to primary residences, with certain exclusions like rental properties. 

Keep the Manufacturer’s Certification Statement for IRS verification. Stay informed about the tax program’s terms, as they may change. Consult IRS resources or a tax professional for current eligibility and credit limits. Unused credit may be carried over to future tax years, following program guidelines.

State and Local Incentives for Energy-Efficient Roofing

Beyond federal incentives, state and local programs offer rebates, tax benefits, grants, and financing for energy-efficient roofing. The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) is a key resource for identifying these opportunities. 

Utility companies also provide rebates and incentives aligned with state energy-saving initiatives. However, eligibility criteria may differ from federal programs, often requiring pre-approval and specific material types or installer qualifications. Tax exemptions and low-interest loans are additional state-level incentives that can reduce the financial burden of eco-friendly roofing upgrades.

Using DSIRE for State and Local Programs

DSIRE is an essential tool for navigating state and local incentives. To use DSIRE:

  1. Visit the DSIRE website and enter your location.

  2. Filter results for roofing-related incentives.

  3. Review program summaries, eligibility, and application procedures.

  4. Utilize direct links for detailed information and applications.

  5. Regularly check DSIRE for updates, as programs frequently change.

Local Utility Rebate Programs

Local utility companies often offer rebates for energy-efficient roofing to reduce peak energy loads. To access these rebates:

  1. Research available programs through your utility provider.

  2. Understand the qualification criteria, which may include specific roofing materials and efficiency standards.

  3. Obtain pre-approval if required.

  4. Keep all relevant documentation for rebate claims.

  5. Work with qualified professionals familiar with the rebate process.

  6. Submit rebate claims promptly after installation.

  7. Stay informed about program updates for maximum benefits.

Eligible Roofing Materials and Improvements

Understanding eligibility is crucial when navigating government incentives for energy-efficient roofing. Eligible materials and enhancements aim to promote energy conservation. Cool roofs reflect sunlight using specialized paints or shingles with high solar reflectance. 

Insulated roofing minimizes heat transfer. Asphalt shingles with cooling granules, pigmented metal roofs, and reflective tile options qualify. Enhancements like added insulation, protective coatings, and rooftop solar panels can also qualify. 

Eligibility varies by project type and program requirements. Thorough documentation, including Energy Star labels and certifications, is essential. Resources like DSIRE help track eligible materials and incentives in specific regions.

Cool Roofing Options

Cool roofing utilizes materials with high solar reflectance to maintain lower temperatures than traditional materials in sunny conditions. Cool asphalt shingles, crafted with reflective granules, and metal roofs with special coatings are eligible for energy-efficient incentives, especially in lighter shades. Clay or concrete tiles may boast reflective properties due to their material and color. 

Green roofs, while not reflective, offer insulation and reduce heat absorption, earning recognition for their ecological and cooling benefits. Single-ply membranes like TPO and PVC are engineered for reflectivity in commercial settings. Roof coatings, in clear or pigmented options, enhance an existing roof’s reflectivity.

When selecting cool roofing, consider local climate, roof slope, and building design for maximum effectiveness. Adherence to Energy Star’s guidelines ensures not only energy cost reduction but also eligibility for incentives. 

Proper documentation and certification are essential prerequisites for incentive applications. Roofing professionals with expertise in energy efficiency can guide material selection, meeting performance expectations, and incentive program requirements.

Insulation and Roof Coatings

Enhancing a roof’s energy efficiency goes beyond aesthetics by integrating materials to prevent energy loss, potentially making properties eligible for government-backed incentives. Insulation acts as a thermal barrier, with effectiveness measured by its R-value, indicating heat flow resistance. To optimize energy conservation:

  • Choose insulation materials with superior R-values for maximum thermal resistance.

  • Follow R-value recommendations for your area from the Department of Energy or local codes.

  • Explore insulation options like loose-fill, batts, or rigid foam, tailored to your roof and attic space.

Roof coatings act as reflective shields, bouncing sunlight to keep buildings cool and extend roofing lifespan. Consider:

  • Coatings in lighter shades with elastomeric qualities for sun reflection.

  • Application across various roofing substrates.

  • Periodic reapplication to maintain reflectivity and protection.

  • Some coatings offer added benefits like water resistance and increased durability.

Selection must adhere to Energy Star or local energy code specifications for incentive eligibility. These upgrades may also contribute to sustainability frameworks such as LEED, potentially offering more financial benefits. 

Consult experienced roofing professionals for a comprehensive evaluation of insulation and coating needs, ensuring compliance with necessary standards for incentives. Thorough documentation is crucial for verifying compliance when pursuing incentives.

Incentives for Commercial Energy Efficiency

Efficiency in commercial spaces isn’t just about reducing carbon footprints; it’s also about seizing government incentives. The Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Tax Deduction (Section 179D) offers deductions for energy-saving improvements. 

PACE Financing allows property owners to finance energy upgrades, aligning repayment with improvement lifespan. Utility companies provide rebates for enhancements like insulation, cool roofs, and solar panels. 

Custom and prescriptive incentives cater to unique projects, while grants and tax-exempt bond programs offer financial support. Detailed records, compliance, and expert guidance are essential to maximize benefits, with vigilance for legislative updates in ever-changing incentive programs.

Section 179D Deductions for Commercial Roofs

Section 179D offers significant federal tax incentives for energy-efficient commercial roofs. Eligible properties include commercial buildings and residential complexes with at least four leaseable stories. Roofing upgrades must achieve a minimum 50% reduction in energy costs compared to a standard reference model. 

Deductions can go up to $1.80 per square foot for the entire property or $0.60 per square foot for individual systems. To claim the deduction, third-party verification by professionals is essential, along with meticulous record-keeping. 

Staying updated on Section 179D changes and collaborating with experts, including certified contractors and tax professionals, is crucial for maximizing the benefits of this incentive and promoting sustainability in commercial properties.

Maximizing Energy-Efficient Roofing Incentives

1. Preliminary Research

Utilize Resources: Use tools like DSIRE to identify available incentives and align your roofing upgrades accordingly.

2. Expert Partnerships

Collaborative Effort: Work with specialized contractors and consultants in energy-efficient construction to meet savings and incentive criteria.

3. Energy Audits

Comprehensive Assessment: Conduct thorough energy audits to identify potential improvements and demonstrate energy savings.

4. Meticulous Documentation

Record-Keeping: Maintain detailed records of financial transactions, product details, and energy efficiency certifications.

5. Compliance with Program Requirements

Program Understanding: Familiarize yourself with specific program requirements, such as performance thresholds or product standards.

6. Timely Application

Submission Timing: Submit applications promptly to secure benefits before program expiration.

7. Tax Planning

Financial Implications: Understand how incentives affect taxes, including depreciation and overall tax responsibilities.

8. Third-Party Verification

Independent Validation: Some incentives may require third-party validation of energy improvements.

9. Warranty Records

Documenting Warranties: Retain warranty documents for roofing materials and craftsmanship.

Understanding Incentive Limits and Stacking Benefits

1. Recognize Caps and Ceilings

Financial Limits: Understand caps and ceilings on incentives to project their impact accurately.

2. Yearly and Project-Based Limits

Limits on Claimable Amounts: Be aware of yearly and project-based maximums for claimable amounts.

3. Explore Incentive Stacking

Combining Benefits: Explore combining federal, state, local, and utility incentives, if allowed, without exceeding the project cost.

4. Tax Implications

Tax Considerations: Understand how incentives affect taxes, including direct reductions and deductions from taxable income.

5. Depreciation Impact

Business Depreciation: Consider how incentives impact depreciation schedules for businesses.

6. Beware of Exclusions

Disqualifying Conditions: Be aware of exclusions that may disqualify projects based on energy efficiency thresholds.

7. Monitor Expiration Dates

Incentive Timelines: Keep track of incentive expiration dates or phase-out schedules.


In conclusion, government incentives play a pivotal role in promoting energy-efficient roofing solutions. These programs offer financial support to those willing to invest in sustainable practices. 

By carefully navigating the intricacies of eligibility, documentation, and compliance, property owners can not only reduce their energy consumption and environmental footprint but also reap substantial financial benefits. Leveraging these incentives underscores the commitment to a greener future while maximizing returns on roofing investments.

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